(7 Ratings)

Adventure Therapy Program Development Series

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About Course

Building an Adventure Therapy program is a unique challenge!  As a therapist, you probably understand how to provide effective treatment, but building and growing an adventure therapy practice requires a remarkable combination of skills: providing therapy, running adventure activities, and managing risk… all while maintaining a focus on providing meaningful experiences to your clients!  For many aspiring adventure therapists, this challenge is exacerbated by the fact that a lot of this information can be hard to find.  That is why we created the Adventure Therapy Program Development Series!

This series provides you with access to SIX courses designed to help you take your Adventure Therapy dream from idea to reality.   If you have an idea or a plan for the type of Adventure Therapy program you want to build, this course walks you through six different phases to go from vision to implementation.

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What Will You Learn?

  • Understand the administrative responsibilities associated with providing adventure therapy interventions.
  • Be able to articulate our professional duty of care and how to address this in practice.
  • Know how to evaluate clinical benefit versus risk in determining when and how to use adventure therapy interventions.

Course Content

Defining Your Mission & Understanding AT Ethics
Course #1 Defining Your Mission and Understanding the Ethics Mission and purpose Strategic planning Ethics

  • Defining Your Mission and Strategic Planning
  • Strategic Planning Applied!
  • Ethical Considerations for Providing Adventure Therapy

Adventure Therapy Risk Management Practices
Course # 2 Risk Management Practices in AT Risk management fundamentals Hazard assessment and risk analysis Managing risks from environment, activities or participants Documenting and analyzing incidents and near misses

Administrative Clinical Practices in Adventure Therapy
Course #3 Administrative Clinical Practices in AT Defining clinical your approach Intake practices Managing clinical behaviors Intervention planning

Adventure Activities in Adventure Therapy: Administrative Responsibilities
Course #4 Adventure Activities in AT: Administrative Responsibilities Deciding what activities to offer Understanding training expectations for offering activities Policy, procedure and curriculum development for activities

Emergency Response in Adventure Therapy
Course #5 Emergency Response in AT Types of emergencies Emergency action plans Serious incident protocols

Logistical Considerations for Adventure Therapy
Course #6 Considerations for Nutrition, Hygiene, Med Management, Transportation and Other Logistics Nutrition Water Medication management Hygiene Transportation Partnering

Course Evaluation

Student Ratings & Reviews

Total 4 Ratings
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Beth Walden
2 years ago
I found this information to be so helpful and it really gave me guidance in how to proceed as I work to set up my organization's adventure therapy program. The sample documents and the research cited was very beneficial for my own planning. I found the videos to be engaging and the information was presented very clearly.
2 years ago
The course did a great job of teaching all that is needed to effectively provide adventure therapy treatment to clients.
Kim Sacksteder
2 years ago
I hope you all enjoy the course! I loved putting it together : )
2 years ago
Incredibly helpful in decreasing stress and overwhelming feelings. Provides a place to start